Our Positions | Artificial Intelligence

Since hitting the mainstream in 2022, generative artificial intelligence and artificial intelligence have ignited legislative and regulatory discussions, as well as actions by federal and state governments. From broad, sweeping proposals to targeted measures specific to a perceived AI-related harm, policymakers are leaping at the opportunity to regulate this advancing technology, while attempting not to stifle its innovation.

Insurance is a data-driven industry; as data is the foundation of AI, the insurance industry can benefit in numerous ways from the advancement of this technology. From enhanced precision in risk-based pricing, to fraud prevention and detection, claims processing efficiency, claims mitigation, and more, many AI-use cases can provide benefits to the industry and consumers alike. Today’s consumers already interact with AI in a myriad of ways – take the robot vacuum in their homes, digital assistants and smartphones, customer service chats, and online shopping suggestions, for examples. Immediacy, convenience, and personalization are at the core of consumer expectation in our world of evolving technology, and the insurance industry is poised well to rise to the occasion with AI.

NAMIC Position

NAMIC fully supports the innovation and development of artificial intelligence and data usage, which have the potential to benefit consumers and the industry alike. The association believes any laws or regulations governing AI in insurance should promote such benefit. AI technology is another tool in the insurer’s toolbox to benefit consumers through increased efficiency and accuracy.

To avoid costly regulatory overlap and the stifling of innovation, lawmakers and regulators must think critically about whether new laws or regulations are necessary, ensure that perceived harms are tangible, and avoid overly burdensome requirements.


Erin Collins
Senior Vice President - State and Policy Affairs

